Leonardo AI Content Moderation Filter: Complete Guide (2024)

Are you searching for the Leonardo AI content moderation filter and ways to bypass it?

If yes, that means you are also one of those who are facing a lot of problems while generating images.


A content moderation filter is a technology adopted by many Artificial Intelligence companies to protect against vulgarity, scams, the spread of hatred, online crimes, etc.

Leonardo AI Content Moderation filter

It involves removing offensive content from their platform.

Now, are you pretty clear on content moderation filters, right?

The problem is that excessive content moderation on Leonardo AI can be frustrating for users, and they may not be able to generate their preferred images or text.

That’s why we have compiled so much information to help you overcome this frustration.

In this article, we have mentioned everything related to content moderation filters in Leonardo AI so that you can have a complete knowledge of this topic.

Without wasting any more time, let’s dive into it.

What Is Leonardo AI Content Moderation Filter? 

Leonardo AI content moderation is the process of reviewing and monitoring user-generated content on online platforms to ensure it meets certain standards and guidelines of any platform.

As you already know, Leonardo AI is a generative AI company developed for generating images and gaming assets with a simple text prompt.

However, a problem arises when many people attempt to use this platform to create offensive content, which tarnishes their platform’s reputation.

That’s why Leonardo AI has adopted content moderation filter technology that specifically works autonomously.

These content moderation filters from Leonardo AI always strive to prevent the creation of offensive content on the platform.

This moderation technology analyzes the prompts and images that may be generated by users, and if the technology finds a prompt or image that goes against their community guidelines, it immediately blocks it.

For example, if you want to generate a girl anime using Leonardo AI prompt that you want to be fully nude, their content moderation technology will immediately block your image generation because nudity is against their community guidelines.

The point is, if you continue to try generating these types of images, it may be possible that Leonardo AI will suspend your account, and that may result in the loss of all your previously generated content.

That’s why, when you generate an image, try to be cautious when writing the prompt.

Always try to avoid using words like “nude,” “naked,” “boobs,” “kill,” “suicide,” etc.

content moderation error in Leonardo AI

Now that you have an understanding of what the content moderation filter in Leonardo AI is, let’s delve deeper into how this technology works.

Remember one thing, Leonardo AI does not differentiate between free users and paid users. That’s why both types of users will encounter this moderation filter when generating images.

How Does Leonardo AI Content Moderation Filter V2 Work?

Now the question is how this content moderation works. There are different technologies used to moderate content.

However the most commonly used content moderation models are typically developed using three primary approaches: generative, classifier, and analysis.

Here is one by by break down of these three approaches: 

Generative Model

The first approach developed by Leonardo AI is a Generative Model.

It takes an input text and generates a list of potential content moderation topics, whether they are present in the original text or not.

For example, it can analyze the input text “He does fun with his girlfriend” and identify references to sex and nudity.

Classifier Model

This program has a special job: it decides if the text contains things that are not nice or appropriate to share.

It looks at the text and guesses how likely it is to have mean words, violent ideas, or bad language in it.

So, if someone writes a Leonardo AI text prompt, this program checks if it might be saying mean things.

It doesn’t read the message like a person; it just makes a guess based on what it sees.

It then gives a score, like a percentage, for each of these bad things it’s looking for.

For instance, a basic Content Moderation classifier might categorize content into hate speech, violence, or profanity and provide probabilities for each category based on the input text.

Text Analysis Model

A text analysis model can be used for content moderation. It relies on a “blacklist” of prohibited words for specific categories like crime or drugs.

When processing input text, if it includes any blacklisted words, the model categorizes it accordingly. 

However, this approach has limitations, including the need for exhaustive word lists for each category and the risk of missing important contexts that could improve accuracy.

These three approaches offer distinct methods for tackling Content Moderation, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. 

Why Leonardo AI Implemented Content Moderation Technology?

Now, if you are wondering why Leonardo AI implemented this technology, the short answer is to protect against various types of cybercrime using generative AI.

Recently, a girl claimed that the popular AI avatar app Lensa AI undressed her without her consent. This type of AI image generator can be used to spread nudity and even create fake images of well-known individuals.

For example, recently, a photo of the former United States president, Donald Trump, went viral on social media apps, depicting him being arrested by a police officer. This image is entirely fake and was created without his consent.

AI generated fake image of Donald Trump
AI generated fake image of Donald Trump

Such images can incite political and social violence.

This is why Leonardo AI has adopted content moderation technology aimed at preventing the generation of images that may promote violence and disrespect in society.

Learn More: Is Leonardo AI Safe?

By implementing this content moderation filter, Leonardo AI makes their platform safe and healthy for all types of users.

However, sometimes Leonardo AI’s content moderation does not work properly, which results in the removal of content and prompts that are not offensive.

Is this why you are searching for ways to bypass this moderation filter?

Below, we have gathered all the ways to bypass Leonardo AI content moderation filter.

How To Bypass Leonardo AI Content Moderation Filter Error? 

If you are a game developer trying to create gaming assets, you have likely encountered this problem many times.

General users do not usually require images that primarily convey offensive feelings, as most people use Leonardo AI for business or simply for fun.

That’s why they do not encounter this prompt as frequently.

Reddit Discussion

However, for game developers, this is a common issue.

If you are a developer, you probably know what I mean, right?

But don’t worry; there are some possible ways to generate your preferred image using these methods.

1. Use Offline Stable Diffusion: The first and best method to bypass this content filter is to use offline Stable Diffusion for generating images. To use offline stable diffusion, you need a basic RTX 3050 in your PC, and after that, you can use it easily. You can also try Leonardo AI alternatives.

2. Try Synonyms: This is also a method that works sometimes when generating images in Leonardo AI. Some words are blacklisted by Leonardo AI, but the synonyms are not. This is why this method works in some cases.

3. Rewrite the prompt: Sometimes, Leonardo AI may not fully comprehend your text prompt, causing it to mistakenly remove your content for violating guidelines. This is why rewriting your Leonardo AI prompts could help avoid triggering content moderation filters. Alternatively, you can also attempt to phrase your prompt differently.

4. Don’t use adult words: As I’ve previously mentioned, using adult language in the text prompt violates Leonardo AI’s rules and guidelines. Therefore, it’s essential to consistently refrain from using such language in your text prompts.

Remember, we do not recommend bypassing the content moderation filter in Leonardo AI. Always strive to compose prompts that are non-offensive and promote a wholesome environment.

Leonardo AI Banned Words List 

If a word is directly or indirectly related to violence, harassment, gore, drugs, adult content, or hate speech, it will be on the Leonardo AI banned words list.

However, please note that Leonardo AI has not officially disclosed any data on the banned words list.

We have created this list based on our research and experience.

These words are provided for inspiration so that you can be aware before using this type of words in your prompts.

Leonardo Ai banned words

These are just a few example words, there are many more. 

Advantages Of Leonardo AI Content Moderation Error

Here are some advantage of Leonardo AI content moderator: 

Prevention of Inappropriate Content

This content moderation filter can help prevent the generation of images containing explicit, offensive, or inappropriate content. 


Leonardo AI filters can provide a consistent level of moderation across a platform, reducing the risk of human error or bias in content moderation decisions.

Real-time Moderation

Leonardo AI content moderation can work in real-time, ensuring that potentially harmful or inappropriate content is detected and acted upon immediately, which is crucial for this platform.


As platforms grow and generate more content, it becomes increasingly challenging to manually moderate everything. Leonardo AI content moderation can scale to handle large volumes of content efficiently.


Leonardo AI content moderation filters can often be customized to align with a platform’s specific content guidelines and community standards. This allows platforms to have more control over what is allowed and what isn’t.

User Experience

By filtering out harmful or inappropriate content, Leonardo AI moderation can help improve the overall user experience, making the platform more appealing and safer for users.


This AI content moderation model can continuously learn and adapt to new types of content and evolving patterns of misuse, making them increasingly effective over time.

Disadvantages Of Content Filters In Leonardo AI 

Here are few disadvantages of this content moderation filter: 

False Positives and Negatives

This content moderation filter may incorrectly flag or miss content. False positives can lead to legitimate content being blocked or removed, while false negatives can allow inappropriate content to go unnoticed. This is why maintaining the correct balance can pose a challenge.

Bias and Inaccuracy

For content moderation, Leonardo AI employs AI automation technology that is trained with extensive data. However, due to this, content moderation can inherit biases from the training data, potentially resulting in the unjust filtering of content that shouldn’t be flagged or the failure to detect problematic content that should be identified.

Complex Content

Leonardo AI filters can struggle to understand context and nuances in content, especially when dealing with satire, humor, or artistic expression. This can result in the misclassification of content.

Lack of Context

This filter often lacks the ability to understand the context in which content is shared, making it difficult to accurately determine whether it violates community guidelines or not.

Privacy Concerns

Leonardo AI’s moderation filter analyzes user-generated content using their AI algorithms, which can raise privacy concerns, as it involves the scanning and analysis of user data. This is why striking a balance between content moderation and user privacy is a challenge.

User Frustration

As I already told you this content moderation filter is not perfect. And that’s why it sometimes removes non-offensive content from its platform. 

Excessive or inaccurate filtering by Leonardo AI can frustrate users, leading to a negative user experience and potential loss of engagement on a platform.

AI Content Moderation Problems

Currently, most online platforms are using AI to detect dangerous and offensive content on their platforms.

For example, platforms like Facebook and Instagram employ AI technology that catches content that may violate their platform’s rules.

So far, everything seems to be going well.

However, the problem is that this AI technology can be problematic. It often flags content that is not genuinely offensive, and at times, it fails to uphold the right to free speech.

AI defines “toxic” to mean anything “rude, disrespectful, or unreasonable,” resulting in the flagging of plain descriptive words such as “Tory” and “hypocrite.

And this is the problem of AI content moderation filter error. 

Here are some AI content moderation problems that you should know about them: 

  • Mistakes: It often wrongly flags content as bad.
  • Cultural Differences: It doesn’t understand different cultures’ language and customs.
  • Tricky Users: People find ways to avoid being caught.
  • Secretive Systems: We don’t really know how these AI systems work.
  • No Independent Checks: Unlike cars, AI systems don’t get tested by outside experts.
  • Humans Needed: Humans are still necessary to help AI, but there aren’t enough of them.
  • Legal Issues: Some proposed laws might limit free speech.
  • Bigger Social Problems: Toxic content is just a part of larger issues like racism.

FAQs Around Leonardo AI Content Moderation Filter Error

1. What is content moderation filter error Leonardo AI?

Leonardo AI content moderation filter error indicates that your prompt has triggered the system’s built-in safeguards against generating inappropriate or harmful content.

2. How to remove content moderation filter in Leonardo AI?

Bypassing Leonardo AI content moderation filters can potentially lead to the generation of harmful or inappropriate content, which goes against their platform’s rules.

If you are frustrated with this moderation filter error then you can try other Leonardo AI alternatives like NovelAI, and Stable Diffusion.

You can learn Stable Diffusion from here.

3. How to turn off content moderation filter in Leonardo AI?

Unfortunately, disabling the content moderation filter in Leonardo AI completely is not possible. Their content moderation system plays a crucial role in upholding their Terms of Service and ensuring responsible use of their AI technology.

Final Thoughts: Leonardo AI Content Moderation Filter

In this article, I tried to cover each and every point regarding the Leonardo AI content moderation filter.

I hope this article will help you understand all the aspects.

We mentioned advantages and disadvantages, along with methods to bypass it.

However, remember not to try to generate images that may violate their platform’s rules.

Before writing any prompts, make sure that you are not doing anything wrong because social responsibility is up to everyone.

You are the one who can make society violence-free and ensure safety and security.

If you can’t write prompts clearly then you can try Leonardo AI prompt generators that will help you a lot.

In the end, if you liked the article, feel free to share it with your friends and family.


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